Cookies Policy

We want you to have a great time on our website and be able to use all the options available, that’s why we use “cookies” to identify your preferences, and make the stay at our website more comfortable.

How Cookies work?

Cookies are small text files with a bit of information that are stored on your PC, laptop, or smartphone once you have entered a website. It allows that website to remember all you did, what topics you looked through, your login, password etc. Therefore, next time when you come to that site again, you needn’t re-key them to the site and the topics you prefer will appear first of all.

Your options

When coming to our site, you agree to use and store cookies on your PC or mobile gadgets. If you don’t want to use cookies, you may not give an agreement. In that case some functions of our website may not work properly.

If you do not want cookies to be downloaded onto your PC, you can switch off the relevant option in your browser settings. There is all a possibility to delete saved cookies from your browser at any time.

But, please be aware of the fact that if you don’t accept cookies, the functionality of our site will have some troubles.

What Cookies Does This Website Use?

There are some types of cookies that have different purposes and functions. There are:

  • Temporary cookies that save information about a user's activities when they are on the website. They disappear as soon as you leave the website.
  • Permanent cookies that remember login details and passwords and can be stored for a long time. They will save your time when you come to the site next time.
  • Flash cookies that are designed to be permanently stored on a user's computer.
  • First-party allows the site to collect user analytics data, remember language settings, and exercise other useful functions.
  • Third-party cookies collect certain information from the site to ensure that products and services are marketed towards the right target audience.
  • Zombie cookies that are automatically re-created after a user has deleted them. These cookies are difficult to detect. They are used in online games to prevent from cheating, however have also been used to install malicious software onto a customer's device.

 We use

  • Cookies that extremely necessary otherwise the website couldn’t function properly. They are automatically downloaded on your PC once you have entered the website, unless you have rejected cookies.
  • Flow cookies that allow us to communicate within our company group. Flow cookies are downloaded on your device once you have come to the website and deleted as soon as you leave the site.
  • Third-party cookies including Web analytics tools. External suppliers also use cookies to place advertisements or to merge content from social networks.
  • Cookies that improve our site performance.
  • Cookies that collect information on the customer’s interests in order to adapt our site to their needs.
  • Temporary cookies to get certain information while you’re on the site.
  • Permanent cookies to make your stay at our site more comfortable. Thanks to them you will log in and find necessary information faster, and so on.

Web Analytics Cookies

Every website uses Google Analytics, a Web analytics service of Google Inc. and we are not an exception. Google Analytics cookies serve to analyze the usage frequency of certain areas of the site and determine customer’s preferences. This information is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google analyzes this information; compiles reports on website activity for our management team. It also delivers services related to the website use. Google has the right to transfer this data to third parties if required by law or to the extent third parties on behalf of Google.

To make Google Analytics inactive use a browser add-on. Use to download the add-on that saves “opt-out” information on your device in order to match up your deactivation of Google Analytics. Be aware of the fact that this tool only serves to deactivate Google Analytics from the device and browser from which it was activated. More than that, you may want to reactivate Google Analytics if you delete cookies from your PC.

Changes To The Cookies Policy

We update our cookies policy periodically. Any changes are published on this page.

We use cookies on to offer you more juicy experience. Read more on Cookie Policy page.